The Hawthorne Legacy (Book 2): Entertaining but not mind-blowing

The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Reading Time: < 1 minute

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The Hawthorne Legacy is book 2 in the Inheritance Games trilogy. See below for my review of book 1:

What’s The Hawthorne Legacy about?

The plot thickens as Avery tries to find the one man who may know why a stranger left his billions to her instead of his own family – and now she has a personal stake in solving this game.

Book 1 was better, but book 2 isn’t bad.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Pros: the second half was fast-paced, and hit us with plot twist after plot twist. Some side characters got more development in this book, which was nice.

Cons: the first half was pretty slow, and the main characters didn’t get as much development as I would have liked. I felt the first half failed to establish any real stakes, so it wasn’t until the second half when it got more dangerous that I felt hooked. The writing itself was also weaker.

I was satisfied with the conclusion, which makes me wonder about book 3. There was nothing to establish the plot for the final installment in the series, so I honestly have no idea what to expect.

Overall, it’s an easy read, and it’s good if you want an intriguing and convoluted mystery or if you enjoy young adult love triangles, but aren’t looking for something deep.

Should you read The Hawthorne Legacy?

If you liked The Inheritance Games, it’s worth it to continue on with book 2.

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One response to “The Hawthorne Legacy (Book 2): Entertaining but not mind-blowing”

  1. Seems like it’s just about Avery’s journey which must take on a sense of urgency and intrigue. Need to know now what next book is about! Can’t wait for the review 😉

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