Outlawed: Intriguing, but slow
Ada’s life of crime begins after she fails to conceive a child, is accused of witchcraft, and runs away to a gang of non-conforming outlaws.
On Trigger Warnings: A common literary debate
The trigger warning debate: should books have trigger or content warnings? Why or why not? And should writers care? Let’s dive in.
Flawed vs. Problematic Characters
Not all flawed characters are problematic, and vice versa. So what makes the difference between these character types? Let’s dive in.
Purple Prose: Atmosphere over Clarity
In this blog, we discuss purple prose, what that is, and why it’s not always an effective tool in writing.
4 Reasons Audiobooks Count as Reading
In this blog, I break down four reasons why reading with your ears is just as good as reading with your eyes.