Tropes vs. Clichés: What’s the difference?
Fun trope, or annoying cliché? Discover how overused expressions and creative devices impact your reading experience.
Novellas in Book Series: Valuable or just a money grab?
Are novellas in book series worth the read? Discover why some readers avoid them and when they can be valuable additions.
3 Classics I Actually Enjoyed
The classics I actually enjoyed reading are few and far between. So as a non-classics reader, here are 3 I actually liked.
Flawed vs. Problematic Characters
Not all flawed characters are problematic, and vice versa. So what makes the difference between these character types? Let’s dive in.
Internal Monologuing: A type of info dump
As a reader, internal monologuing in books is a turn off for me. In this short article, I quickly analyze why.
The Importance of Embracing Diversity in Fiction
Fiction has the power to shape our perceptions and understanding of the world around us, which is why it’s important to read diverse stories.
Purple Prose: Atmosphere over Clarity
In this blog, we discuss purple prose, what that is, and why it’s not always an effective tool in writing.
4 Reasons Audiobooks Count as Reading
In this blog, I break down four reasons why reading with your ears is just as good as reading with your eyes.
Banned Books in the US: What everyone gets wrong
Banned books are not a new topic. In fact, book banning spans human history – as long as books have existed, humans have had polarizing opinions on them. During the 200s BCE, Chinese emperor Shih Huang Ti is said to have executed hundreds of scholars and burned books to control the political narrative. In the…