Embracing the Joy of Cozy Reading: A retreat for the soul
Let’s explore the art of cozy reading, the benefits, and how it can be an essential act of self-care in our fast-paced lives.
My Top 10 Reads So Far in 2023
We’re officially halfway through 2023, so out of the 42 books I’ve read in the last six months, here are my top 10 so far.
DNF: When to give up on a book
Is it okay to stop reading a book? Here’s a couple signs to look for that tell you it’s time to DNF and move on to something else.
Are Hyped Books Worth it? 3 Tips
If you’re easily swayed by book hype and often find yourself disappointed, here are 3 questions to ask before jumping on the bandwagon.
Bookish Acronyms: A running list
In the online book world, you will more than likely come across a variety of acronyms with no explanation. Never fear – I’m here to help.
Single vs. Multi POV: What’s the difference?
What is it about the POV that makes single- and multi-POV stories feel different? And does it affect our enjoyment? Let’s talk about it.
Fantasy Subgenres: A quick list
With over fifty fantasy subgenres out there, here are the seven I see most often to help you know where to start with fantasy books.
On Trigger Warnings: A common literary debate
The trigger warning debate: should books have trigger or content warnings? Why or why not? And should writers care? Let’s dive in.
A Philosophic Analysis of The Hunger Games: It’s deeper than you remember
Explore the philosophical themes of The Hunger Games as we focus not just on the satire, but human nature, manipulation, and moral dilemmas.
The Two Types of Fantasy Romance: Plot vs. Smut
Have you noticed a trend infantasy romance novels lately? In this blog, we explore two types of romantasy: plot-heavy and romance-heavy.