Storygraph stats: I read 100 books last year

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Hello, book nerds!

I never thoughts I’d be one of the book bloggers boasting a triple digit read count for a single year, but for the first time in my life, I can claim that I did it!

I read exactly 100 books in 2023.

Do I think I’ll do it again? Lol. No. And I won’t try to. I think I’ll set a comfortable goal of 70 books for 2024.

That being said, let’s see what my Storygraph stats for 2023 tell me about my year.

Clearly, I have a type. And that type is not anything hopeful, inspiring, informative, or challenging. Whoops! With my top moods being adventurous, emotional, dark, and mysterious, clearly I’ve been looking for some quality fun and escapism this year.

I also appear to have been a very middle-of-the-road kind of person this year, reading mostly medium-paced books of medium length.

While I obviously had room in my heart for a wide variety of genres, there’s a clear preference: fantasy. And specifically, fantasy romance.

The most interesting graph — the reading format spread. This was the year I truly dove into audiobooks for the first time, and it definitely bolstered my numbers. This is a big difference from 2022 for me, when I read 53 books and 0 audiobooks!

I also got a Kindle near the end of 2022, so 2023 was my first full year with a digital reading option. I think this made a big difference for reading more ARCs, plus I was able to check out digital books from my library. That really opened up my reading options — if I wasn’t in the mood for something already on my shelf but didn’t want to spend money on a new book, I could peruse Libby and download something right away.

Another new thing for me this year: graphic novels. I’ve been reading Lore Olympus and Saga, which has been fun.

For 2024

Aside from reading goals, I also like to challenge myself to try something new. In 2023, that was audiobooks and graphic novels.

In 2024, I’d like to try manga for the first time (let me know if you have any recommendations). I’d also like to try more sci-fi. I’ve never been as much into sci-fi as I have been fantasy, so branching out will be a nice change. I’ll start with Red Rising, since it comes so highly recommended, as well as The Principle of Moments, since I got it last month in one of my book boxes.

I’m excited to see how my stats will grow and change in the new year. Let me know your goals and challenges for 2024!

Happy reading!

2 responses to “Storygraph stats: I read 100 books last year”

  1. Congrats on achieving the triple figure! I love that you’ve found a way to digest more books through different mediums and you’re able to access ebooks through the library (love libraries). My recs for you would be Yona of the Dawn (Manga, over 40 volumes and counting by the sounds of it) which I loved binging in 2023 and A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray as a SciFi – it’s a little closer to YA SciFi but it’s got a bit of everything and it may be easier to get through than a heavy jargon-laden SciFi. Hope your 2024 is full of fantastic reads!

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