
Every Thursday, I will post a new book review here. Check back for the latest reads.

  • The Mirror Visitor: Full series review

    The Mirror Visitor: Full series review

    Ophelia, a young woman who can travel through mirrors and see the past of objects through touch, is forced into an engagement and made to move to her fiancé’s homeland, where court politics and cruelty reign supreme. Ophelia is just a pawn in their game, and she must keep her wits about her if she’s…

  • Godkiller (Book 1): A slower-paced quest story

    Godkiller (Book 1): A slower-paced quest story

    Kissen, a god-killing mercenary, is saddled with a young noble girl who inexplicably has a small god tethered to her soul. Joined by a disillusioned former-knight-turned-baker, the unlikely group must travel to a ruined city where the last of the wild gods reside.

  • Half a Soul: Delightful

    Half a Soul: Delightful

    After a faerie steals half her soul in her youth, Dora no longer feels emotions like fear or embarrassment, which can leave a young woman vulnerable to much accidental scandal in regency-era England. When the uncouth noble magician, Elias, discovers her condition, she is swept up in his magical affairs.

  • Blood Over Bright Haven: Devastating

    Blood Over Bright Haven: Devastating

    The city of Tiran’s first female highmage and her indigenous lab assistant discover a horrifying secret that could destroy their city, if it doesn’t destroy them first.

  • Undercover: Goulish crime noir

    Undercover: Goulish crime noir

    A stranger comes to a gang-run town and takes on the most unwanted job: bodyguard to a ghoul.

  • A Dark and Drowning Tide: Magical and immersive

    A Dark and Drowning Tide: Magical and immersive

    Lorelai, a folklorist, has worked hard for a place on an expedition to find a magical spring, only for it to all go wrong when someone is murdered. Now Lorelai is in charge, and she must work with her academic rival to both complete the mission and solve the murder.

  • The Lion Women of Tehran: Thought-provoking and compelling

    The Lion Women of Tehran: Thought-provoking and compelling

    This story follows the wealthy, high-born Ellie and her best friend from the slums, Homa, as they grow up in midcentury Tehran, facing both life and political oppression – sometimes from opposite sides.

  • When the Moon Hatched (Book 1): A plotless mess

    When the Moon Hatched (Book 1): A plotless mess

    An assassin finds herself swept up with a king from another nation, unexpectedly plunging her into the unknown mysteries of her past.

  • Love on the Brain: Basic, but fun

    Love on the Brain: Basic, but fun

    Neuroscientist Dr. Bee Königswasser is sent to NASA for a joint project, only to find out she’s co-leading with her grad school nemesis, Levi Ward.

  • The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue: Interesting and emotional

    The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue: Interesting and emotional

    A young woman makes a deal in 1700s France for freedom and immortality, with the consequence that everyone she meets will forget her as soon as she’s out of sight. In 2014 NYC, for the first time, someone remembers her – and she doesn’t know why.

  • Bunny: Academic femcel horror

    Bunny: Academic femcel horror

    Writer Samantha finds herself drawn into the strange and uncanny world of the Bunnies, the cultish clique in her graduate writing program.

  • Five Broken Blades (Book 1): A fast-paced fantasy heist

    Five Broken Blades (Book 1): A fast-paced fantasy heist

    A spymaster and a prince, an indentured poison maiden and her master’s son, and a thief and her bodyguard all join forces to attempt the biggest heist of their careers: killing the king.

  • The Sky on Fire: Great worldbuilding, slower plot

    The Sky on Fire: Great worldbuilding, slower plot

    Anahrod was cast out of the dragon-ruled sky cities as a teenager and has spent the last seventeen years surviving a harsh jungle. Now her past has caught up to her, and a gang of misfits seeking to steal from the dragons has dragged her home.

  • My Lady Jane: Funny and charming

    My Lady Jane: Funny and charming

    In an alternate history where some humans can shift into animals, Lady Jane Grey’s history is completely rewritten. In this version of events, King Edward, her cousin and dearest friend, marries her off to Gifford – who’s a horse. Not only that, but in the process, she’s unwittingly swept up in a plot to steal…

  • Hell Bent (Book 2): More fantasy than horror

    Hell Bent (Book 2): More fantasy than horror

    Alex and Dawes begin a perilous hunt for a way into Hell to retrieve their friend, Darlington, who has now taken on a demonic form.

Professional Reader 80% 10 Book Reviews


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