Novellas in Book Series: Valuable or just a money grab?

Novellas in book series
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re an avid reader, you’re probably familiar with the concept of novellas in book series. 

Novellas are shorter books that are typically released in between full-length novels to keep readers engaged and provide them with more content to devour. 

While some readers love novellas, others, like myself, avoid them. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why some readers don’t like these kinds of novellas.

Fluff and Slice of Life

One of the main reasons why some readers don’t like novellas is that they often don’t add anything significant to the main plot of the series. 

Instead, these are “fluffy” or just a “slice of life,” meaning they focus on the characters’ day-to-day activities and interactions without contributing much to the overall story arc. For readers who are invested in the plot and want to know what happens next, this can be frustrating and lead to a feeling of being let down.

*Ahem* A Court of Christmas Specials – I mean, A Court of Frost and Starlight, anyone?

I do want to state for the record that my husband is someone enjoys the fluffy bits. When I asked him why, he said, quote, “Is it so wrong to want to read about characters being happy?”

To quote the popular TikTok audio – “I don’t want peace; I want problems, always!”

Anyway. I understand there are those who enjoy this stuff. I’m not one of them. 

Easy Money Grab for Authors

Another reason why some readers avoid novellas is that they sometimes feel like they’re just an easy money grab for the author. 

Novellas are often sold at a lower price point than full-length novels, which can make them more accessible to readers. However, if the novellas aren’t adding value to the story, some readers may feel like they’re being taken advantage of by the author who is trying to make a quick buck.

Exceptions to the Rule

Obviously not all novellas fall into these categories. There are always exceptions to the rule. 

For example, if a novella builds the world or sheds light on relevant history that is necessary to understand the main events of the series, it can be an invaluable addition. Also, some novellas focus on side characters or subplots, which can be a welcome change of pace for some readers.

Basically, novellas are hit or miss. 

Some people enjoy the extra novellas, others avoid them as a rule. As with anything in the book world, it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

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