
AN White Books is a blog website written by me, Ashley, to share book reviews as well as discuss the broader book world, including literary debates, book happenings or news, and explanations for book terms. Its purpose is informational, and should be regarded as opinion and not advice.

Accuracy Disclaimer

All information provided on this blog is accurate to the best of my knowledge, but I acknowledge the possibility of mistakes, errors, or omissions. Readers are encouraged to verify any critical information before relying on it.


I like to share articles or other links, like Goodreads book pages, within my blog posts so that I can share where I’m sourcing my information. I do my best to select websites that are reputable. It should not be considered an endorsement unless explicitly stated.


If you subscribe to this blog, WordPress will send you an email notification every time I post a blog. I will not personally send you emails, nor do I have a newsletter.

Advance Reader Copies (ARCs)

Book reviews categorized as an ARC means that the publisher gifted me that copy for free. It’s important to note this does not impact my review or rating in any way. All the opinions I share are entirely my own. Click here for an overview of what ARCs are.

Affiliate Disclosure

I do not accept monetary compensation for book reviews.

I do not currently have any affiliates or make any monetary compensation from this blog. I reserve the right to change my mind, and begin accepting affiliate compensation for products that are not book reviews. As required by law, I will disclose any time I receive compensation. Rest assured, I will only promote products I personally use and believe in.


All the images I use on this site I make myself using Canva, with Canva’s stock photo base. This ensures that the visual content aligns with the nature and tone of the blog’s content.

Disclaimer of Liability

Readers should understand that the content on this blog is for informational purposes only. I am not liable for any damage incurred from the use of the information provided on this blog. Readers should use their discretion and judgment when applying any information found here.

Changes to Disclaimer

This disclaimer may be updated periodically. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this page. Readers are encouraged to check this page regularly for updates.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer or any other aspect of AN White Books, please feel free to contact me.

Professional Reader 80% 10 Book Reviews


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