Category: Discussion

  • Romance Vs. Love Stories: What’s the difference? 

    Romance Vs. Love Stories: What’s the difference? 

    People often use the terms “romance” and “love story” interchangeably, but there are some key differences.  Let’s define these terms.  Romance is a genre of fiction that focuses on, you guessed it, romantic relationships. These novels center around the development of romance and explore themes of love, trust, personal growth – yada yada yada.  Romance can…

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  • So You Want to Get Back into Reading: 8 tips

    So You Want to Get Back into Reading: 8 tips

    Remember those days in middle school when you could curl up with a 500-page book and pound it out in about three days? Where did that brain go?  You get so busy with life things, and dare I say “adulting” things (I know, I cringed writing that too), that at some point it’s easy to…

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  • AN White Books: Hello World

    AN White Books: Hello World

    Welcome! I am so excited to have you here and to share my love of reading with you. Whether you are an avid reader or just starting to explore the world of books, I hope you will find something here that resonates with you. On this blog: I will be sharing book reviews, recommendations, and…

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