A Philosophic Analysis of The Hunger Games: It’s deeper than you remember
Explore the philosophical themes of The Hunger Games as we focus not just on the satire, but human nature, manipulation, and moral dilemmas.
The Two Types of Fantasy Romance: Plot vs. Smut
Have you noticed a trend infantasy romance novels lately? In this blog, we explore two types of romantasy: plot-heavy and romance-heavy.
Advance Reader Copies (ARCs): What are they?
All about Advance Reader Copies (ARCs): What are they? How do they work? And how does a book reviewer get one?
Tropes vs. Clichés: What’s the difference?
Fun trope, or annoying cliché? Discover how overused expressions and creative devices impact your reading experience.
Novellas in Book Series: Valuable or just a money grab?
Are novellas in book series worth the read? Discover why some readers avoid them and when they can be valuable additions.
Character vs Plot-Driven Stories: Does it Matter?
In this blog, I explore plot-driven and character-driven stories, and why it matters to readers to know the difference.
3 Classics I Actually Enjoyed
The classics I actually enjoyed reading are few and far between. So as a non-classics reader, here are 3 I actually liked.
Flawed vs. Problematic Characters
Not all flawed characters are problematic, and vice versa. So what makes the difference between these character types? Let’s dive in.