The Six Deaths of the Saint: The best short story

The Six Deaths of the Saint by Alix E. Harrow
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Spoiler-Free Review

I’ve never been a short story person. Perhaps it’s because the length usually leads to telling instead of showing, just for the sake of time, or less overall complexity. But not The Six Deaths of the Saintthis is the best short story I’ve ever read, and my first 5-star read in 2024.

What’s The Six Deaths of the Saint about?

The Saint of War spares the life of a servant girl so she can fulfill her destiny as the kingdom’s greatest warrior.

I absolutely loved this story.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

It’s amazing to me that this 30-page short story kept me hooked and guessing, while I predict the direction of many of the 400-page novels I read. It’s proof that a story doesn’t need to be long to be high quality.

This author really took advantage of the nature of the short story to give us a unique writing style – much of it is narrated in 2nd person, and for good reason. That decision wasn’t made just for style’s sake, but because it made sense for the story. It created such a standout reading experience; I was intrigued from page 1.

The story itself was also so interesting, compelling, and emotionally resonant. The themes are no less cutting just because it’s short.

I’m so excited to read more from this author.

Should you read The Six Deaths of the Saint?

Yes! This is the best thing I’ve read in quite some time. It’s only 30 pages long – go into it knowing as little as possible.

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2 responses to “The Six Deaths of the Saint: The best short story”

  1. This sounds really good! I applaud the authors able to create a detailed story and characters in a short amount of time, I’ll add this to my list 🙂

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